


世界上最优美的散文--人生短篇- 第13部分

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ise。 neither doth this weakness appear to others only; and no t to the party loved; but to the loved most of all; except the love be reciproqu e。 for it is a true rule; that love is ever rewarded; either with the reciproque ; or with an inward and secret contempt。

    by how much the more; men ought to beware of this passion; which loseth not only other things; but itself! as for the other losses; the poet's relation doth well figure them: that he that preferred helena; quitted the gifts of juno and pallas。 for whosoever esteemeth too much of amorous affection; quitteth both ric hes and wisdom。

    i know not how; but martial men are given to love: i think; it is but as the y are given to wine; for perils commonly ask to be paid in pleasures。

    there is in man's nature; a secret inclination and motion; towards love of o thers; which if it be not spent upon some one or a few; doth naturally spread it self towards many; and maketh men become humane and charitable; as it is seen so metime in friars。

    nuptial love maketh mankind; friendly love perfecteth it; but wanton love co rrupteth; and embaseth it。



    维克多。雨果(1802—1885),法国伟大的浪漫主义作家,13岁即开始写作。他的著作 影响深远,深刻反映了19世纪法国社会生活和政治斗争中的重大事件。主要作品有《巴黎圣 母院》、《悲惨世界》、《笑面人》、《九三年》等。


    你的几句话就改变了我的心情。是的,你可以随意处置我。明天,如果你那温柔的声音 和可爱的嘴唇的温馨都不能使我复苏,我就真的一命呜呼了。今夜,我躺下时的心情与昨夜 是多么不同啊!昨天,阿黛勒,因为我相信你不爱我了,死神降临是我求之不得的。

    但我还是对自己说,就算她真的不爱我了,就算我已经没有任何地方值得她去爱了,就 算没有了她的爱,余生将索然无味,难道因此就要死去吗?我活着难道是为了自己的幸福吗 ?不!不论她爱不爱我,我的此生都是献给她的。我有什么权利敢要求她的爱?难道我能胜 过天使或神灵?我爱她,不错,即使没有回报;我也甘愿为她牺牲一切,甚至放弃被她爱的 希望。为了她的一个微笑,为了她的一次顾盼,我愿意为她做任何事。我有别的选择吗?我 活着不就是为了爱她吗?就算她对我漠不关心,甚至恨我,那只是我的不幸,如此而已。只 要她幸福,又有什么关系呢。是的,如果她不能爱我,我能责备的只有我自己。我的天职就 是紧紧跟随她,用我的生命去保护她;甘心做为她做抵御一切危险的屏障;把头颅献给她做 垫脚石,我要她永远无忧无虑,不祈求奖励,不希望报偿。如果她能间或发发善心,对她的 奴隶投来一丝怜悯的目光,在需要时记得他,那就是他莫大的幸福!唉!只要她肯让我为满 足她的小小愿望甚至任『性』而付出生命;只要她允许我满怀崇敬地亲吻她可爱的足迹;只要她 同意在生活历程的艰难时刻依靠我,我便得到了祈望的惟一幸福,因为我乐于为她牺牲一切 。她受过我的恩惠吗?我爱她是她的过失吗?难道因为我爱她,她就非爱我不成?不,她可 以玩弄我的感情,以怨报德,对我的崇拜不屑一顾。我也根本无权对我的天使有丝毫抱怨。 尽管她趾高气扬,我也不应当停止向她倾诉衷肠。即使我每天都为她做出牺牲,临终时我也 无法对她偿以还不清的欠债,因为有了她我才活了下来。

    我心爱的阿黛勒,这就是我昨夜此刻的心绪,今天还是这样。不同的是今天的想法掺进 了幸福的信念——如此洪福,想到它,我幸福地颤抖,几乎不敢相信。

    这么说,你真是爱我了,阿黛勒?告诉我吧,我能相信这醉人的福音吗?假如我能一辈 子照顾你,又能使你像我一样幸福,并使自己得到像我爱你般的你的爱,难道你不认为我会 高兴得发狂吗?啊,你的信给我的幸福恢复了我的平静。一千次地谢谢你,阿黛勒,我最心 爱的天使,但愿我能像匍匐在神像前那样匍匐在你的脚下。你给了我多么大的幸福啊!再见 ,晚安,我将在梦中与你欢聚!





    victor hugo to adele foucher

    victor hugo


    my beloved adele;

    a few words from you have again changed the state of my mind。 yes; you can d o anything with me; and tomorrow; i should be dead indeed if the gentle sound of your voice; the tender pressure of your adored lips; does not suffice to recall the life to my body。 with what different feeling to yesterday's i shall lay mys elf down tonight! yesterday; adele; i not longer believe in your love; the hour of death would have been welcome to me。

    and yet i still said to myself; if it is true that she does not love me; if nothing in me could deserve the blessing of her love; without which there is no longer any charm in life; is that a reason for dying。 do i exist for my own pers onal happiness。 no, my whole existence is devoted to her; even in spite of her。 and by what right should i have dared to aspire to her love。 am i then; more th an an angel or a deity。 i love her; true; even i; i am ready to sacrifice everyt hing gladly for her sakeeverything; even the hope of being loved by her; there is no devotedness of which i am not capable for her; for one of her smiles; for one of her looks。 but could i do otherwise。 is she not the sole aim of my life。 that she may show indifference to me; even hate me; will be my misfortune; that is all。 what does it matter; so that it does not injure her happiness。 yes; if she cannot love me i ought to blame myself only。 my duty is to keep close to her steps; to surround her existence with mine; to serve her as a barrier against a ll dangers; to offer her my head as a steppingstone; to place myself unceasing ly between her and all sorrows; without claiming reward; without expecting recom pense。 only too happy if she deigns some times to cast a pitying look upon her s lave; and to remember him in the hour of danger! alas! if she only allow me to g ive my life to anticipate her every desire; all her caprices; if she but permit me to kiss with respect her adored footprints; if she but consent to lean upon m e at times amidst the difficulties of life; then i shall have obtained the only happiness to which i have the presumption to aspire。 because i am ready to sacri fice all for her; does she owe me gratitude。 is it her fault that i love her。 mu st she; on that acomount; believe herself constrained to love me。 no! she may spo rt with my devotions; repay my services with hate; and repulse my idolatry with scorn; without my having for a moment the right to complain of that angel; nor o ught i to cease for an instant to lavish upon her all that which she would disda in。 and should every one of my days have been marked by some sacrifice for her; i should still; at the day of my death have discharged nothing of the infinite d ebt that my existence owes to her。

    such; my beloved adele; were the thoughts and resolutions of my mind at this time yesterday。 today they are still the same。 only there is mingled with them the certainty of happiness—such great happiness that i cannot think of it witho ut trembling; and scarcely dare to believe in it。

    then it is true that you love me; adele。 tell me; can i trust in this enchan ting idea。 don't you think that i shall end by becoming insane with joy if ever i can pass the whole of my life at your feet; sure of making you as happy as i s hall be myself; sure of being adored by you as you are adored by me。 oh! your le tter has restored peace to me with happiness。 a thousand thanks; adele; my well beloved angel。 would that i could prostrate myself before you as before a divini ty。 how happy you make me! adieu; adieu; i shall pass a very happy night dreamin g of
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