


英语天堂- 第4部分

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(旅馆的)商务中心/票务中心  the business center/the ticket…booking center 
分析失事飞机的黑匣子数据  analyze the data in the black box (the flight recorder) of the crashed plane 
游戏机      a game machine 
吃角子老虎    a slot machine 
哈哈镜      distorting mirrors 
卡拉OK   a karaoke club 
京剧票友    Peking Opera fans 
追星族      celebrity worshipper 
发烧友      fans; addicts 
音像制品  audio and video tapes and disks 
镭射厅;录象厅  a laser disk (LD) salon 
随身听    a walkman; a personal stereo 
春节/元宵节/端午节/中秋节  the Spring Festival/ Lantern Festival/ Dragon Boat Festival 
            /Mid…Autumn Festival 
庙会    the temple fair 
共青团为100对新人举行集体婚礼  The Youth League Organization sponsored (held) a group (collective) wedding ceremony for 100 couples。 
旅行结婚  a wedding tour; a tour wedding; the honeymoon tour 
婚外恋    extramarital relations; extramarital affair 
非婚生子女  children born out of wedlock; illegitimate children 
单亲家庭  a single…parent family (house…hold) 
上门女婿  a live…in son…in…law 
大龄青年  unmarried youth above (over; beyond) the normal age for marriage 
老三届    high school graduates of 1966…1968 
独生子女  the only child 
小皇帝    a little “emperor”; a spoiled child 
提倡母乳喂养,不要人工喂养  advocate breast feeding rather than substitute feeding (bottle…feeding) 
离休干部  retired veteran cadres 
托老所/院  a nursing home for the aged 
安乐死    euthanasia; mercy…killing 
电话拜年  pay New Year phone calls 
给他发电子贺卡    send him an e…card (e…mail card) 
挂历    a wall calendar; a hanging calendar 
兼职    assume a concurrent post; do part…time work; go moonlighting 
当家教    teach in a family; serve as a home tutor 
不要强迫孩子弹电子琴  Don’t force children to play the electronic keyboard (organ)。 
在协同工作中,情商比智商更重要    In teamwork; EQ is more important than IQ。 
人际关系  interpersonal relations 
民工  rural laborers (with temporary jobs) in a city; migratory workers from the countryside 
打工妹  country girls working in cities 
女强人    a (sucomessful) career woman 
残疾人    handicapped (disabled) people 
猎头公司;人才物色公司    a head…hunting company 
身份证    the citizen identity card (  ID card) 
他有上海市常住户口      He has the registered permanent Shanghai residence。 
              He is a registered permanent resident of Shanghai。 
差额选举  a multi…candidate election 
He never favors his friends or relatives with any “back…door” (private…channel)deals。 
别听小道消息  Don’t heed the hearsay。 (the grapevine news) 
(会议)签到簿  the guest book/the visitors’ book 
人行天桥    an elevated crosswalk/ a foot bridge 
罗山路立交桥  the Luoshan Road overpass (flyover) 
内环线高架路  the elevated inner ring road(the inner ring viaduct) 
杨浦斜拉桥    the Yangpu cable…stayed bridge (suspension bridge) 
玻璃幕墙摩天大楼  steel…and…glass skyscrapers; glass…walled high…rise buildings 
家电      electrical household appliances 
电话磁卡/磁卡电话  a phone card/ a card phone 
复印机    a phontocopier; a photocopy machine; a Xerox; a Xerox machine; a duplicator 
煤气罐    a gas tank 
热水淋浴器  an instant shower heater 
面包车    a minibus 
无人售票公共汽车  a self…service bus 
流动售票车      a ticket…office…on…wheels 
捷安特山地车    “Giant” mountain bicycles 
普及九年制义务教育  make the nine…year compulsory (obligatory; free) education universal 
扫盲        eliminate illiteracy 
计算机扫盲      eliminate computer illiteracy 
民办学校      school run by non…governmental sectors 
高等院校  institutions of higher education (higher learning); universities and colleges 
中等专业学校    polytechnic schools 
中等技术学校    secondary technical schools 
中等职业学校    secondary vocational schools 
自学考试      examination for self…taught students 
该校实行学分制    The university adopts a credit system。 
须修满250学分才能毕业    It takes 250 credits to graduate。 
应试教育      examination…oriented education 
自费留学      self…funded study abroad 
海外留学人员    Chinese students and scholars studying abroad 
托福热降温了    The TOEFL fever (craze) has cooled down。 
大专生        junior college students; associate…degree students 
该硕士生正在进行论文答辩 The master…degree student is giving an oral defense of his thesis。 
举行博士生论文答辩会 give the doctoral student (candidate) an oral examination on his dissertation。 
博士  a doctorate holder 
博士生导师    a supervisor of doctoral students; a doctoral supervisor 
走读生      a day student; a non…resident student 
特困生      the most needy student 
她是我们班的学习/宣传/生活/体育/文娱委员She is in charge of studies/ propaganda(? publicity)/ general affairs/ sports activities (PE)/ recreational activities in our class。 
担任系学生会干部  serve as an official of the departmental student union 
担任校学生会宣传部长be the head of the Publicity Department of the university’s student union 
    My major is International Acomounting; and my minor is Computer Application。 
    pass the College English Test Band 4; obtain a certificate of CET…6 
be cited as a “three…good student” (who is good morally; academically and physically) 
获人民奖学金三等奖    be awarded the Third…Class People’s Scholarship 
召开家长会        hold a parent…teacher meeting 
加强科技人员队伍improve the ranks (the contingent) of the scientific and technical personnel 
研究所      a research institute 
普及科学技术    popularize science and technology 
新兴高科技产业    rising and high…tech industries 
高科技园      a high…tech park 
获16项重大科研成果    gain 16 major (key) research results 
科技咨询      scientific and technological consulting service (consultancy) 
知识经济      the knowledge economy 
信息高速公路    the information superhighway (highway) 
    hook up your computer to the Internet; wire your computer with the Internet 
中关村高科技园是中国的硅谷  Zhongguancun High…Tech Zone is known as China’s 
信息技术    IT (information technology) 
信息港      the infoport (information port) 
多媒体      multimedia 
手提式电脑    a laptop computer 
硬件/软件    hardware/ software 
芯片      the chip 
奔腾III处理处理器  a Pentium III processor 
带有调制解调器的电脑    a computer equipped with a modem 
电子邮件/商务/贸易      e…mail/e…commerce (e…business)/ e…trade 
五笔划汉字软件输入平台    the five…stroke Chinese character software platform 
杀病毒        to kill the virus 
千年虫        the millennium bug; the Y2K bug 
电脑黑客闯入了银行的计算机系统  The hacker broke into the bank’s computer system。 
光导纤维      optical fiber 
超导体        a superconductor 
发射运载火箭    launch a carrier rocket 
地球同步卫星    a geostationary satellite; synchronous satellite 
全球卫星定位系统  GPS (Global Positioning System) 
电话会议/可视电话会议    a telephone conference/ a videoconference 
电话号码从7位升至8位    to upgrade the seven…digit telephone number to eight digits 
大哥大;手机        mobile phones; cellular phones 
无绳电话          cordles
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