


舍我其谁:胡适- 第80部分

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'1' 余英时,《重寻胡适历程:胡适生平与思想再认识》,页197198。
'2' 余英时,《重寻胡适历程:胡适生平与思想再认识》,页192。
'3' Hu to Clifford Williams; March 14,1915,《胡适全集》,40:7677。
'4' 请参阅拙作《星星·月亮·太阳》,页4654;“Performing Masculinity and the Self:Love; Body; and Privacy in Hu Shi”The Journal of Asian Studies(May,2004),pp。319320。
'5' Hu to Clifford Williams; July 14,1915,《胡适全集》,40:114。
'6' 胡适,“The Application of the Methods of Historical Research to the Writing of a History of Ancient Chinese Philosophy,”《胡适全集》,35:164175。
'7' Hu to Clifford Williams; December 21,1915,《胡适全集》,40:145。
'8' Hu to Clifford Williams; November 26,1914,《胡适全集》,40:11。
'9' Suh Hu,“A Chinese Philosopher on War:A Popular Presentation of the Ethical and Religious Views of MoTi,”The Chinese Students’Monthly; XI。6(April,1916),pp。408412。
'10' 蔡元培,《中国古代哲学史大纲序》,《胡适全集》,5:192193。
'11' 胡适,《整理国故与‘打鬼’——给浩徐先生信》,《胡适全集》,3:147。
'12' 余英时,《〈中国哲学史大网〉与史学革命》,《重寻胡适历程:胡适生平与思想再认识》,页221232。
'13' 胡适,《中国哲学史大纲》,《胡适全集》,5:220。
'14' Wilhelm Windelband; A History of Philosophy(New York:The MacMillan pany,1919),p。11。
'15' Frank Thilly,“Translator’s Preface,”History of Philosophy(New York:Charles Scribner’s Sons,1897),iv。
'16' Wilhelm Windelband; A History of Philosophy; pp。2,13。
'17' 胡适,《中国哲学史大纲》,《胡适全集》,5:221,228。
'18' 胡适,“The Development of the Logic Method in Ancient China,”《胡适全集》,35:345。
'19' John Dewey,“Reconstruction in Philosophy:Changing Conceptions of Philosophy,”The Middle Works,18991924,12。8489。
'20' 胡适,“The Development of the Logic Method in Ancient China,”《胡适全集》,35:337。
'21' 胡适,《中国哲学史大纲》,《胡适全集》,5:254259。
'22' Wilhelm Windelband; A History of Philosophy; p。11。
'23' 胡适,《中国哲学史大纲》,《胡适全集》,5:196197。
'24' 胡适,《中国哲学史大纲》,《胡适全集》,5:197。
'25' Wilhelm Windelband; A History of Philosophy; pp。9,14。
'26' 胡适,《中国哲学史大纲》,《胡适全集》,5:201219。
'27' 胡适,《中国哲学史大纲》,《胡适全集》,5:197。
'28' Windelband; A History of Philosophy; p。17。
'29' Windelband; A History of Philosophy; pp。9,12。
'30' 胡适,“The Development of the Logic Method in Ancient China,”《胡适全集》,35:314。
'31' Lin Yusheng; The Crisis of Chinese Consciousness:Radical Antitraditionalism in the MayFourth Era(Madison; Wisconsin:The University of Wisconsin Press,1979),pp。9394n。
'32' Hu Shih to Clifford Williams; January,22,1915。
'33' John Dewey,“Philosophy and American National Life,”The Middle Works,18991924,3。74,76。
'34' 胡适,“The Development of the Logic Method in Ancient China,”《胡适全集》,35:313。
'35' 胡适,《实验主义》,《胡适全集》,1:304。
'36' John Dewey,“Some Stages of Logical Thought,”The Middle Works,18991924,1。174。
'37' John Dewey,“Some Stages of Logical Thought,”The Middle Works,18991924,1。162168。
'38' 胡适,“The Development of the Logic Method in Ancient China,”《胡适全集》,35:303311。
'39' James Creighton; An Introductory Logic; pp。210211。
'40' 胡适,《多研究些问题,少谈些‘主义’》,《胡适全集》,1:328。
'41' 胡适,《实验主义》,《胡适全集》,1:307。
'42' John Dewey,“The Relationship of Thought and Its SubjectMatter,”The Middle Works,18991924,2。307。
'43' 北京社科院近代史研究所藏胡适英文档案,E062002。
'44' John Dewey,“Introduction to Essays in Experimental Logic,”The Middle Works,18991924,10。322。
'45' John Dewey,“Some Stages of Logical Thought,”The Middle Works,18991924,1。152156。
'46' 胡适,“The Development of the Logic Method in Ancient China,”《胡适全集》,35:359。
'47' 胡适引的是莱维布律尔(Lucien LévyBrühl)分析孔德的实证主义的观点。参见胡适,“The Development of the Logic Method in Ancient China,”《胡适全集》,35:361注。
'48' 胡适,“The Development of the Logic Method in Ancient China,”《胡适全集》,35:391392。
'49' 胡适,“The Development of the Logic Method in Ancient China,”《胡适全集》,35:422。
'50' 胡适,《中国哲学史大纲》,《胡适全集》,5:281282。
'51' 胡适,“The Development of the Logic Method inAncient China,”《胡适全集》,35:422424。
'52' 胡适,“The Development of the Logic Method in Ancient China,”《胡适全集》,35:415420。
'53' John Dewey,“Logic:The Logic of Inquiry,”The Later Works,18991924,12。434。
'54' 胡适,“The Development of the Logic Method in Ancient China,”《胡适全集》,35:442443。
'55' 胡适,《三论问题与主义》,《胡适全集》,1:353354。
'56' 胡适,《中国哲学史大纲》,《胡适全集》,5:260,269270。
'57' 胡适,“The Development of the Logic Method in Ancient China,”《胡适全集》,35:384387。
'58' John Dewey,“The Logic of Judgments of Practice,”The Middle Works,18991924,8。1449。
'59' 胡适,“The Development of the Logic Method in Ancient China,”《胡适全集》,35:387388。 
'60' John Dewey,“The Logic of Judgments of Practice,”The Middle Works,18991924,8。4347。
'61' 胡适,《〈中国古代哲学史〉台北版自记》,《胡适全集》,5:534535。
'62' 章炳麟致胡适,1919年3月27日,《胡适遗稿及秘藏书信》,33:223。
'63' 胡适,“The Development of the Logic Method in Ancient China,”《胡适全集》,35:551。
'64' 胡适,“The Development of the Logic Method in Ancient China,”《胡适全
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